No Nonsense Reviews
Makeup Eraser Cleansing Cloth Review (MUST READ)
Hi everyone!
Life for me has been hectic recently, I feel like my tea consumption has gone up by 50 % in the past few weeks and although I should probably say it’s a bad thing, it really isn’t. Tea tastes so nice and warm and I suggest you grab a cuppa now before indulging in this review.
I am so looking forward to this.
What Is It?
The makeup eraser is a cloth that claims to remove your makeup with just water, even waterproof eye makeup. It comes in black or pink and the packaging is shaped like an old fashioned eraser, which is a nice touch.
I really don’t know how it’s meant to do this or what magical fiber it contains to be able to remove waterproof mascara, but it claims it can within seconds.
My First Opinions
Originally, I will admit, I was skeptical of it. I thought it couldn’t possibly remove makeup with just water, it would surely just make your makeup run.
I also assumed it was a massive gimmick, made for people like me who fall for silly marketing ploys. I was a bit angry towards this eraser, I really honestly was (I even just sipped my tea in frustration).
In recent months I had also taken so much care in my skincare routine that the thought of just using water to remove thick makeup was baffling and quite frankly I didn’t want to believe it.
Well…Did It Work?
My mum had bought me the eraser and I felt bad using it, because I just knew I was surely not going to like it. So I waited until I had the guts to use it and took to the sink with makeup wipes at the ready for when this cloth didn’t work.
I wet the cloth as instructed ( I didn’t wash it beforehand because who has time for that) and took it to my face. The cloth did feel weird when wet, it doesn’t look wet at any time and kind of like when you spill oil and then run water over it. However, I took the cloth and started to wipe away at my makeup.
All of my anger, guilt and frustration melted away, a long with my makeup.
I cannot tell you how this works, I have no idea, but it does. It removes EVERYTHING. I had on thick mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow and all sorts of foundation, concealer, powder and God knows what else and it was all gone within a few wipes.
Usually with makeup wipes my eyes can start to sting but because you literally just use water, it feels like what taking your makeup off should feel like.
Did You NOT Like Anything?
I truthfully thought this review would be packed with me complaining about the eraser and what a gimmick it was but it’s completely the opposite.
There’s one thing that I wish was different and that’s simply that you have to wash it when it gets too dirty. I know that’s a strange and impossible request but I am a little bit lazy in that department and would rather just not.
Also, the makeup eraser is a bit more expensive that usual makeup wipes but I go through so many, it’s cheaper for me to buy just one eraser than it is to keep buying makeup wipes.
I cannot for the life of me think of anything else I didn’t like, it’s wonderful.
Tell Me More!
- One of my main reasons for loving it so much is that makeup wipes are so pricey and you virtually always get 20 in a pack. Don’t get me wrong, I love the simple makeup wipes I always use but being able to chuck a cloth in to my bag when I’m going away without worrying about how many I have left or if they will dry out is amazing.
- I also love that all you are putting on your skin is water. Literally nothing harmful is being rubbed on to your face and if you are sensitive to some ingredients or just don’t like using them, all you are using is WATER.
- Finally, there’s no waste. Makeup wipes end up in our seas and landfill but now you literally don’t ever, ever have to contribute to this again.
- I found the eraser at a really great price online, you can also see tons of reviews by clicking here if you are in the US or here if you are in the EU.
I am so pleased to write amazing things about this eraser. It really worked for me and is so nice to have on hand, I so wish I knew how it removed waterproof makeup but I don’t.
Being able to remove my makeup with water is just amazing. I suggest anyone that thinks it’s is a gimmick, like I did to give it a try because it shocked me beyond belief, you have no idea how much I thought this product wouldn’t work.
I will buy the cloth again and again, I am not sure of the life expectancy, I should imagine it’s a few years, if looked after well. I think this could be my first 10 out of 10 product.
Thank you so much for reading, it means the world to me.
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