No Nonsense Reviews

Honest Skintifique Cleanser P Review (Nickel Free)

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Hi everyone!

This review has been sat in my drafts for some time now, I just wanted to make sure I was absolutely certain  about everything I was about to write before I released it in to the world. I was kindly sent a cleanser from a lovely lady called Laura from a natural skincare brand called ‘Skintifique’.

Before I begin I do want to mention that all opinions are my own and I was sent this cleanser to just see what I thought of it. I feel like I never usually have to state this, but for some reason I feel like I am going to start having to!


I like to take my time with skincare reviews, just to make sure there’s no reactions and that my skin is actually having a nice time.

The cleanser has waited long enough to be reviewed so let’s get in to it!

(All photos were taken BEFORE I tested the cleanser out)



What Is It?

The cleanser I was sent is called ‘Cleanser P‘ (I am not really sure why the P is there) , it’s a gentle cleanser (micellar water) that removes makeup, traces of pollution and metals. It contains no parabens, no silicon, no fragrance and no added nasty ingredients.

It is a cleanser that can be used even on the most gentle, sensitive skin and claims to have an array of properties that love your skin and bring it an instant freshness boost and deep cleanse, without being harsh on the skin.

You can get it for an amazing price here in the US and here in the UK.

The Good

As I mentioned before I did give it a good run for its money before I even attempted this review, so now I have a lot to talk about.

Something I think others will love is that it contains just 5 ingredients. Just 5! Usually you find skincare has so many added bits and pieces that we aren’t even really sure what’s going in to it. I am guilty of not even glancing at the ingredients list but I know a lot of people appreciate this feature and it actually really made me think about what I could be putting on to my face in the future.

Another great thing about the cleanser P is that its perfect for even the most sensitive and reactive skin. You know everything that’s in it and could memorize the ingredients in a few seconds so you know if it’s going to work for you or not instantly. I know a lot of people worry about rashes, blemishes and tight skin when using new cleansers but this one is straight up honest.

I was most excited about the fact that is supposedly rids metals from your skin. I am not a dermatologist and I have no idea how that would even work but I find anything that helps me ‘de-pollute’ my skin heads in to my shopping basket. I find with so much pollution from cars, air and even in our own homes we really should be more careful and I just think being able to bring out even the tiniest bit of metal or impuritiesfrom your skin isn’t a bad thing.



My Experience…

I own so many skincare products, one because I am slightly obsessed and two because I always get sold on things like ‘rids pollution, deep cleanse, overnight plump and magical ingredients you have never heard of but work’.

I really didn’t know what to think about skintifique when i first received it, it didn’t look like something i would radiate towards in a store and I think that was all down to not knowing the brand.

The first time I used it, i did use it without cotton pads and realized my mistake, it goes everywhere! So make sure to use a cotton pad as you would with other kinds of micellar waters.

I applied it on to my face full of makeup and just began to scrub. I was so happy to see that it actually didn’t have a smell! A lot of companies for some reason, say there’s no smell and there really is but this one actually doesn’t smell of anything and so your face isn’t left smelling like a combination of creams and exotic ingredients.

I can’t say that it removed my makeup amazingly well, I used two cotton pads and still had to then use my makeup eraser to get rid of everything, i do wear quite heavy makeup and i can imagine it would do a great job on normal makeup users.

After i was done using it I didn’t notice a huge difference but as I have said before, I do think skincare needs to be tested before for a short time before you can comnment.

After around a week, i did get used to the cleanser. I used it after removing my makeup with my makeup eraser and it did get rid of every trace of makeup on my skin. It also felt great to use after spending a few hours in the city and driving around. It makes your skin feel super clean and refreshed, sometimes with cleansers my skin still feels a little dirty  but this cleanser makes it feel soft and clean.

It did take me about a week to really notice the effect the cleanser was having on my skin. I don’t think the results are instantaneous but the cleanser never claims to be. I use the infamous garnier micellar water and comparing the two I found the cleanser P to actually be a lot softer on my skin. For two products that claim to kind of do the same thing, the list of ingredients on the garnier brand was crazy compared to the skintifique.

It didn’t irritate my skin whatsoever, nor did it make it tight after cleansing which my skin often does, so that’s a huge thumbs up from me.


Now…The Bad

As i mentioned above, it did take me about a week for my skin to start adapting and appreciating the ingredients that were being put on to my skin. I think everybody is different though and what takes me a week may take you a day.

I know it’s meant for senstive and reactive skin but I kind of wished it contained something to fight spots, something like Hyaluronic acid, i think that would sway me online or in a store to buy it if it had caught my eye and i was considering buying it. However, i know not everyone would appreciate that but it was just something i noticed!

There’s not much I didn’t like about the cleanser itself, i think it’s great for people with sensitive skin and really great for people who worry about pollutants in their skin (like me!).



Overall, i thought this cleanser was a great change for me. I always go for big brands that promise me the world and this cleanser was just simple, to the point and did its job. I think if your skin is sensitive or if you are allergic to metals you really ought to give it a try if nothing seems to work for you, as you can see the ingredients list straightaway.

I don’t think the packaging would pull me in at a store but of course that’s just my personal opinion, a heck of a lot of people like simple, clear packaging.

The fact that it removes nasty metals from your skin is a huge selling point for me and would be the reason I bought this over everything else. It does leave your skin feeling super soft and clean and makes a great change to actually understand and know whats making its way on to my skin.

You can get it for an amazing price here.

Thank you again to Laura from skintifique for sending me this cleanser to review, it’s been a fun trial!

Thanks so much for reading,


If you would like me to review one of your products please do not hesitate to get in touch! girlversusmakeup [AT}

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